Monday, July 14, 2014

WEEK 1- Life In the MTC

Dear Friends and Family,
I made it to the mtc alive. YAY! haha! The spirit is so strong here. This is the best experience I've ever had. I should've had it a long time ago. 
My companion is Sister Coleman. I love her so much! We work super well together and get a long well. Last night we were made sister training leaders which will be a great blessing to us as we Love the missionaries in our Zone. 
Yesterday we talked a lot about our purpose as missionaries: to invite others to come unto Christ. I think its so wonderful that I get the chance as a missionary to be the bridge between others and God. Of all the people the Lord chose to trust, he chose imperfect young adults. He picked me. I'm so glad that this opportunity is mine.
I love you all. The Gospel is true!
Sister Klein

Here are pictures from the 13 days I spent in the MTC.

The window story: "Fun story for ya'll! So someone on the floor of our residence halls caught a burrito on fire in the microwave and so in order to make our room not smell we opened our window. The windows in the mtc open so big that you can climb out them. So of course I'm outside the window before I can even think about how its not a good idea. haha! But how many people can say they climbed out the window at the mtc? I can!"

It's Elder Albright
"On Wednesdays we wear Pink"
Study group
Completely matching outfits, yes we both shop at Downeast.
Tampa, Florida!

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