Monday, February 2, 2015

week 2- 4th of July in the MTC

Dear Friends and Family,
Missionary work is awesome! I love the Gospel so much! 
I can't hack the mtc protection to get my camera to work. So you'll have to wait till I get out in the field.
OKAY! highlights of my week... and lowlights
#1 Sister Coleman and I were doing service and we got to wear vacuum cleaner backpacks!!!!!!  so we became ghost busters
#2 Sister Coleman and I got yelled at by 4 different branch presidents for leaving our bags in a classroom so we wouldn't get yelled at for bringing them in the cafeteria. We cried after because these branch presidents tore us apart. then we were late to class because the teacher yelled at us too. :( We seriously went into the bathroom and cried. It wasn't being told we did something wrong that made us sad but the fact that they yelled at us :( They couldn't do it kindly. Luckily our branch presidency was in our classroom when we got back so their wives gave us hugs and comforted us. 
#3 we went outside Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday so if you didn't see me sucks for you... jk
#4 we taught a lesson! well actually we've taught a lot of lessons. our lessons are doing okay but most of our investigators don't believe they need anything else other than what they got :(
We seriously love our investigators and we pray for them but they don't seem to be moving in to faith/repentance.
Its super sad :( 

Overall I love the gospel. and I love being a missionary!

Fun story for ya'll! So someone on the floor of our residence halls caught a burrito on fire in the microwave and so in order to make our room not smell we opened our window. The windows in the mtc open so big that you can climb out them. So of course I'm outside the window before I can even think about how its not a good idea. haha! But how many people can say they climbed out the window at the mtc? I can! 

I love you all! 
The Gospel is true! 
Sister Klein
P.S. write back and tell me how you're spending your 4th of July! :)

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