Monday, February 2, 2015

week 16- Roller coasters are no fun

I'm doing really well. Missionary work is a huge roller coaster. Your teaching pool is up and down. And right now it's down. Like really down. We are teaching no one. So we're going to clean out our area book and start fresh. The Lord will bless us as we do this. We're only teaching people who are prepared so we only teach people who want to be baptized. It's a difficult concept to grasp. Because there are plenty of people who want to be taught. So if we're looking for people who just want to be taught then that's who we're going to teach. But as we look for people who want to be baptized then that's who we're going to find.

The hard part is finding people who want to be baptized is an act of faith. And we learn in Ether that we receive no witness till after the trial of our faith. So we see no fruits of this labor until after it's over. Which is insane if you asks me.

I have strong faith that I'm going to reach my goals this transfer. I also made of my mind in sacrament that I'd rather serve a short mission in which I worked my leg to death because I never stopped moving, then serve all 18 months and give my talents and abilities cheaply because I was afraid of injuring my leg more. So this week I'm going to push my self. I'm going to work so hard I collapse as when I walk in my door. And who knows maybe this is a trial of faith. Maybe if I work my hardest my leg will stop hurting and it will heal.

I don't really know all I know is that the Lord is teaching me lessons here that I couldn't learn in 50 years of being at home.
Well I got to go!
I love and miss you!
Sister Klein

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