Monday, February 2, 2015

week 7- A letter from Siri

So the library was full today so I'm at the church right now I'm on
the iPad we're using Siri so hopefully this goes well and nothings too
one of our investigators Joanne she's Catholic and she told all the
other missionaries that she couldn't be baptized because she promised
her mom as you stay in the Catholic Church. So Sister Loveridge and I
started praying for that should be able to make the right choice for
her. On Tuesday we taught her plan of salvation and while teaching her
about spirit world we told her about how she family members that were
waiting for her to join this church that she could be baptized for
them. She then said that she would be baptized and that she felt like
her mother really wanted her to be baptizing guided her to our church.
It was a miracle and Joannes like the sweetest lady we know she works
for Disneyworld for years and she gave me an earring and it's princess
Jasmine's. She said that one day princess Jasmine dropped it and
Joanne found it on the next day and she kept it kept for years. That
earring was very special to Joann and Joann gave it to me because she
knew how much I loved princesses.  It's seriously the best gift I
could ever be given, not only that she's going to be baptized and
she's going to receive eternal life but also that she give me
something very special to her.
Okay funny story so walking down the road and we're passing this car
and he rolls down his window and yells "y'all are gorgeous"  and
sister leverage turns around she goes "it's the Holy Ghost" then we
had a great talk with him about baptism, he was just recently baptized
and he talked about how much is changing on his life and how he really
respects what were doing and going out here and doing this.
We had a great conference on Wednesday and learned so much about how
to be better missionaries and it was so refreshing to get personal
revelation, I love learning and I'm so thankful that I can always
become a better missionary.
So Tomeka said the funniest thing so she's on the bus with this lady
and she gets on the topic of religion She explained how she takes
lessons from the sister missionaries and she goes "they're like
perfume scents you know they just leave this aroma of Jesus Christ in
my house"
We have a miracle day on Friday. It was hard for us to leave the house
so we got out a little later then we would like to have. We were kind
of frustrated but as the day went on we realized how much of a
blessing it really was.
So we went to go visit a less active that we've been trying to go see
for weeks now. We were going to try one last time then give up. We
knocked on the door and no one answered. But as we were about to leave
he pulled into the driveway. The same thing happened again twice later
in the day.
We also went and say a less active family and 3 college boys come to
the door they said that family hasn't lived there in years and that we
could send over the elders to teach them. Are they prepared or what?
At our movie night we had 13 non members and 3 recent converts! Which
is a huge miracle. Sister Loveridge and I then took them on a church
tour and taught them the restoration. It was so powerful! I cannot
believe how well it turned out.
Well I got to go. But have a great week everybody! The church is true
Sister Klein

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