Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 4- Miracles Happen

Dear Friends and Family,
I have been so blessed this week to have the Lord work through me and Sister Loveridge. We have been praying and fasting to see a miracle every day and its happened. There has been so many of them I don't even have time to tell you. But the Lord's hand has been in my life. I'm keeping a journal full of those miracles I've seen while out in the field. So everyone thinks that Sister Loveridge and I are sisters even the missionaries have to ask us. Its kind of funny. We don't really see it. haha. 

SO there is this hill right by our house that we have to bike up on our way home and so to make it fun we bike as fast as we can up the hill. so I'm pushing it up this hill and I see this lady and I want to talk to her so I stop the bike and I fall off right in front of her! it was so funny!!! She just has this face of "What??" then I stand up and go "have you been to our church before?" haha!

Also I can check something off the bucket list this week we got asked if we were nuns! I've always wanted to be a mormon nun and I was.

Tomeka is getting baptized July 26th. We are super excited for her. I love her so much! She brings joy into my day. She asked me yesterday if I would give the talk on baptism. I'm super excited! 
But your not going to believe her mom, Juanita. We were watching a video of Christ getting baptized in our lesson and Tomeka turns to her mom and goes "Have you been baptized before?" and her mom goes "no, but I'd like to be when I am ready" so we're totally going to baptize her mom when she is ready. CRAZY!
The best part about this week was getting visiting Families. In order to go to dinner at a members home you have to have a non member, recent convert, inactive, or investigator with you. So Tomeka had us over for her birthday dinner on Wednesday, then on Thursday the bridges family had us over and they had their atheist neighbors over, then on Friday was the ward multi- cultural dinner, and then Sunday went went over to Brother Nye's (the ward mission leaders) house. Somebody has been feeding the missionaries in the Las Vegas. 

Also are we Las Vegas or Las Vegas West mission? Because one of the families daughter is spanish speaking Las Vegas and she comes home next month.

SO we're sitting outside the church and this lady comes and knocks on the doors and we go to it and she says that she was looking for a church and she had stopped by every day to find out what time the services here were at. CAN YOU SAY MIRACLE? I can! We talk to her for a while. Her name is Joanne. She's lost almost every family member she knows. We showed her the because of him video and she cried the entire time. We're going to try to prepare her for baptism in 3 weeks.

SO we were doing the 12 week training program at this park and we're reading through the restoration pamphlet and this guy name Cedric comes and sits at the table next to us and we start talking to him. We got his info and we gave him a Book of Mormon after teaching him lesson on. The crazy part is that he never goes to that park and we don't either. MIRACLE!

The best part about these miracles is that they're all from our Heavenly Father. I did nothing but have faith. But I have faith. I have faith to make it rain in my area. and I have faith that Its going to rain on the seeds I've planted and I am going to harvest them. 

People you can pray for: Joanne, Tomeka, Juanita, Kirk and his sons, and Cedric
also pray that I can see miracles everyday or the Lord's hand in my life.

I love ya'll!
Sister Klein

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