Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 21- Warriors, Surprises, and Embarrassing Moments

Wow! This week was amazing, I don't even know where to start.
On Tuesday I went on an exchange that changed my life. 2 really experienced sister missionaries extended for 30 days so that they could visit all the sister missionaries and share some of their wisdom. The highlight of the exchange is that we learn how to weekly plan according to the guidelines in Preach my Gospel. We also lean how to teach lessons on the street. This exchange changed my mission and my life after. Setting goals and making plans is such an important skill to have. I'm so very thankful for the time these Sisters took to do this. 

This week we taught 19 lessons (which is 17 more than last week), found 8 new investigators, set 3 baptismal dates, and soft committed 2 people to baptism. It was amazing, Next week we plan on teaching 30 lessons. Something I learned this week is that these blessings that we have been recieving have always been there, Sister Packer and I have just had an umbrella up and have been blocking them from coming. Well we took the umbrella down! 

So funny/embarrassing story. I really like to step on dead leaves as we walk down the road, some habit I picked up in Utah. On Tuesday I set a goal to not go out of my way to step on any leaves. So we're walking down the road and I see the perfect leaf. I then go and step on it as I keep moving forward I hit my head on a stop sign and fall backwards. It was just like a moving. Sister Packer and I just fall to the ground laughing! It was hilarious! Moral of the story: don't step on dead leaves.
On Wednesday we found out that we were called to be Sister Training Leaders! Surpirse! I'm so glad I've already done it before so this time it should be a cake!

Mystery of the Lost Book of Mormon Continues: MLC was friday and I followed up with the Sisters I gave the Book of Mormon to. They said that they have a return appointment for the next day! I will freak out if she gets baptized! What a cool story to share. I'll keep y'all updated on what happens next.

Saturday we went to chipolte with one of the ward members, Derrick and his friend Annie. We talked to her for a little bit and asked her if she would be interested in baptism, She said yes! It just goes to show how easy missionary work is. All you have to do is introduce the missionaries to your friends and they can take it from there. Its so simple.

Stake Conference was this weekend. I love receiving revelation at stake conference. Our Mission President was there and spoke Saturday and Sunday. Okay get this! So he's talking about missionary work and said "Our missionaries are warriors. Sister Klein is a warrior, she's walking around with a knee brace" It was hilarious and slightly embarrassing. haha
On our way to Stake Conference!

well folks that's all I got for y'all this week! 
Sister Klein

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