Monday, February 2, 2015

week 18- Holy Cow! 4 Months, MVT's, Knee Probs, and Saving Souls

Well guys my weekly email is back. A quick update on what happened in that space of time if you haven't already heard yet. I'm training! 3 days after I finished my training I started training. On October 2nd Sister Packer and I became companions. Sister Packer is an amazing missionary the assistants to the mission president told me she was an MVT (Most Valuable Trainy) 
Sister Packer and I pretty much laugh all the time, we're figuring out everything together, its been quite the adventure. 
There's been a lot of changes in our mission. We do things quite differently here and have had a lot of success. We work very closely with members and our numbers are sky rocketing. On an average Sunday in our mission we get 30-40 referrals from members. Last Sunday our mission received 765 and counting referrals from members. That's never happened before, ever. Its insane!
Another thing we do is we only teach people who are 'golden' or who want to be baptized. A few weeks ago we dropped our investigator Sam because he didn't know if he wanted to be baptized. Well last Sunday he came walking into church it was a miracle. After we taught him for a few days about how we receive answers if the church is true and why we are here we decided he still wasn't prepared to be baptized so we dropped him again. Our teaching pool is constantly growing and shrinking. We spend the time that would've been in appointments finding people who are truly prepared. We find them by asking them with boldness "Have you been baptized before?" It seems a little awkward but it works and the more you do it the less awkward it is. I have a strong testimony of bold questions. The baptisms in our mission are tripling and they are people who are truly converted, they don't become less active in a few weeks.
Also for the past couple months my knee has been giving me problems. I went and got an MRI and a x-ray but nothing came up so yeah. I can't bike, run, or jump. So we're on full car or we walk. This week is the best its felt in months which is awesome.
On Monday we went and got flu shots to be obedient to the recommendation made by the missionary medical department, it didn't hurt to bad. But I woke up Tuesday morning sick and exhausted so we spent all day Tuesday in the house resting. I took medicine and drank plenty of water and slept. I woke up at about 5pm feeling so much better so we went out and taught a few lessons. Poor sister packer just cleaned and read all day long. 
On Thursday President Cusick was in our area because he was going to bishopric training that night. He took Sister Behr, Sister Abbot, Sister Packer, and I out to dinner before then at Panera Bread. It was really fun to talk to him about everything going on in our area. 
Friday Sister Packer and I did some finding over by the beach. It was beautiful! I should have taken some pictures! We're going to the actual beach on Tuesday for a sister's conference so that should be lots of fun! 
Saturday was a pretty fun day, we went to do some service for the St. Petersberg free clinic. Well when we got there the doors were locked and as we knocked no one was coming to the door. I suggested we said a prayer that we would have a miracle. I said the prayer and as soon as I said Amen a Lady came around the back of the building to let us know the door was open on the other side. CAN YOU SAY MIRACLE?!? 
We got to talk to the volunteers there about our church and our missions and why we we're doing service in skirts. It was a really cool experience. WE ALSO GOT TO RIDE IN A COOL ELEVATOR! It was just like tower of terror at Disneyland. Just like it.

Elder Ware and Elder Doty had a baptism this week for Kevin. Kevin saw a movie on Netflix about Mormons and it didn't tell him what we believed so he went on to conference weekend and requested missionaries. The elders met with him between sessions and set a baptismal date with him and took him to the next session of conference. It was a miracle.
On Sunday I went tracking for the first time ever. Sister Packer and I knocked on the doors outside the church to invite them to the Trunk or Treat our ward is having on Wednesday. We met a lot of interesting people and a lot of really nice people. It was actually really fun, you never knew who was behind the door. We also got to teach a lesson to a man outside his home which was really cool.
Well I better get going!
I hope y'all have a great week!

Sister Klein

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