Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 22- Epiphanies in the Gym and Conquering Mountains

Well this week was interesting to say the least, on Tuesday all 3 of our baptismal dates dropped us... so that was fun. It was a slow week in general because we spent Thursday- Saturday in Tampa at the Metro Training Center. Its basically like a mini- mtc experience but its applicable to our mission. We learned a lot about self confidence and finding it from the real source of confidence and that's God. I seriously feel like I can conquer mountains! We also learned a lot about member missionary work. I hope every single one of you are preparing for someone to take the lessons by the full time missionaries. It's a commandment. Missionary work is equal to paying tithing. It's pretty important. 

We also talked a lot about how we can have the spirit more in our apartments and in our homes. Something that I've been learning on my mission is that if you want the spirit to be in your home and have it feel like the temple get rid of clutter. I can't believe the difference it makes when you put things away from the top of the dresser and things as simple as your desk and bathroom counter. If you put clutter away your home will seriously feel like the temple. If you don't believe me try it for a couple weeks. This realization has changed my life. I will never have clutter ever again because it's not having the strong spirit a clean house can have.

So Monday morning we were working out in the gym and I had an Epiphany! When I get back from my mission I'm going to become an interior designer and help design the inside of temples! It all just clicked in my mind and it feels so good every time I think about it. I'm pretty sure it's perfect for me as well! 

We went on exchanges this week with the other set of sisters in St. Petersburg! It was really fun. I went with Sister Behr to her area! I learned a lot from her as she is a very wise missionary who will be going home at the end of this transfer! Which is crazy. It was also really cool because they live in my old apartment and Sister Behr was my first sister training leader. So it brought back a lot of memories. 

Also I've been getting a lot of friend requests from y'all on my mission facebook and just wanted to let everyone know I'm not ignoring you. But we have a rule that I can only be friends with my parents, brothers, and sisters. Just so your all aware. 

Also I have an ipad so I get emails anytime I have wifi. I really appreciate all the emails and support I get through out the week but if you guys could only email me Sunday- Monday I would really appreciate it. I really want to be a focused missionary and when I get emails all through out the week it distracts me from my purpose. 

Well I love all y'all! 
have a great week!

Sister Klein

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